Career Tips

How to make a good profile on LinkedIn: see 8 tips

LinkedIn is the world’s largest corporate social network. People use it to get a job, sell, create networking, work, position your company’s brand, etc.

Therefore, we will teach you some good practices of the network and how to contribute to your replacement. Having a complete profile, which describes your experiences and results in a structured way, a good title, summary, and recommendations are essential to have a champion profile.

How to make a good profile on LinkedIn?

  1. Fill in all your profile information

In general, because it is a social network, LinkedIn is formed by a search engine. Do you know when you do a Google search? On the first few pages, you notice that the first sites shown are the ones that match the search you did, right?

Google’s algorithm crosses information between web pages (textual information, images, links, ads) and the search you want, bringing the corresponding results.

LinkedIn’s logic is the same! See, in the image, that LinkedIn also has a space for you to search for vacancies and candidates.

And why is it important to have your profile well filled out? The more information he has, when the recruiter searches for profiles to fill vacancies, he will use certain keywords and expressions, and the best profiles will appear on the first pages. Cool huh?

  1. Use strategic keywords

In addition, you can use this logic to look for opportunities that are more adhering to your profile. Just type, in “Search”, related words and it will bring you the opportunities that match your search.

Do you understand the importance of having a complete profile? Well… Before showing you the parts that need to be filled in, you can ask yourself: “What are the best words to use?”.

When looking for job opportunities, in addition to you having the intention of applying for a replacement, use this means as a form of research. That is, read the description of the vacancies to know the best practices, and the words that the market has been using; this will even help you to update yourself on tools and skills, in order to contribute to your development. It’s a good tip to be more competitive and do better in interviews.

In the image below, we can highlight some parts like: cover, photo, title, talks about, location, contact information and I’m interested in.

The cover can be something more free. Use one that is more tied to your career, for example. Another important image is your photo! Get one that shows your profile from the shoulder frame.

Then, below your name, there is a space for the “title”. Put keywords related to the position you are looking for and/or looking for, area,s and techniques related to the work routine. Attention: avoid expressions such as “looking for a new job”, “looking for opportunities”, “looking for a job” or other expressions.

Another important point is the interaction on the social network, when you interact, create relationships, create content, like and comment, your title, name, and photo will be the parts in evidence. Be assertive.

The “talk about” are tags used for those who create content. Information such as “city” can be important to think about, recruiters can use filters and one of them is the “location” field. I prefer to just use “state” and “country” because the search ends up being more comprehensive.

And not least: some people do not send a direct message on LinkedIn, but opt ​​for contact options such as phone, WhatsApp, and email. So fill in your contact information, okay? Finally, in the “I am interested in” option, you can put the positions you are interested in or not, as well as the service you provide (if you are an enterprising person).

Oh, and all this information you can edit using the pencil on the upper right side.

  1. Enter information in the “Featured” option

We know that the market is very competitive. The best way for you to be a strong candidate is to highlight your results, and there is a space called “Featured”, see below:

In addition to portfolio, links, and documents, you can also highlight LinkedIn media, publications, and articles.

  1. Summarize your professional trajectory

A very important part is the “About”. Here, you will put a summary of your professional trajectory with your personality, since many companies are valuing cultural aspects. Not only in your resume but also in your selection process, be a person of integrity and transparency, know how to communicate in a cohesive and coherent way; stand out!

Still, on the aspect of the summary of your resume, we can highlight some good practices of what to put:

Say the current position you are in, the company, and which fronts you are responsible for;

Even if you have the contact information mentioned above, reinforce it with your phone and email;

Separate your formations and place the focus areas. This helps in better positioning your profile. Example:

  • Specialization in Marketing (Digital Strategies and Growth Intelligence);
  • Bachelor in International Relations (Economics and Business Strategies);
  • Sandwich Graduation in Europe in Strategic Marketing and International Economics;
  • Administration Technician (Marketing and Management);

Business Models and Segments: which company segments have you worked with?

Technical Knowledge: here you can enter the tools and technical skills you have;

Certifications: place the certificates of free and short courses.

  1. Pay attention to the “Professional Experience” field

Our next point – and I would say one of the most important – is Professional Experience. This field is the place where we will enter our position, the company, describe our functions, and add our results.

Despite being the most important part, there is not much to say, but there are some points to be highlighted: there is a lot of textual information and you need to fill everything in a complete, cohesive, and coherent way.

  1. Enter your training

Next, we find a space for academic training. It is interesting to use the description field as well. A lot of people think: “But what am I going to put in the description since it’s not a job?”.

Enter the areas of concentration/disciplines that are close to your area of ​​expertise. See the example for a person with a degree in Business Administration and who works in Marketing: Mathematics and Statistics, Marketing, Management, Business Strategies, Analysis, and Market Intelligence.

  1. Mention volunteer work

Many companies see non-profit social functions as a differential as it is a space for growth and development of technical and personal skills, in addition to showing their values. So, fill in what you did, which front acted, etc.

  1. Remember to fill in the skills and recommendations

Just below, we have “Skills and Recommendations”. Use words and expressions that match your industry knowledge, such as tools and technologies, soft skills, languages, and more.

Finally, let’s go to the “Recommendations”? They are very important for you to work on your Personal Marketing. Ask for recommendations for people who have worked, studied, or had a professional relationship with you, and who know your skills and results. You can give back too!

It sounds complicated, but it’s not, see? I guarantee you! Build a profile in your favor, make it very complete, with all the information and keywords, cohesive and coherent so that you are found on the first search pages. Do you know reverse logic? With LinkedIn, jobs can come to you! However, as it is a social network, creating content and building relationships are also important. We’ll talk about that in the next article, okay?

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